Saturday, 2 June 2007

Funky Flowers

I've not posted for a while - I've been trying to think of a flash game, and when I've not been trying to think of a flash game I've been making this one. Not that that's all I ever do, you understand - make flash games.

So, anyway, I've been working on a flash game called Funky Flowerz. It's 100% flower aranging fun! It took longer to make than the dress up game, but works on the same principles.
Heh, I always put "RicardoStudios presents...", just in case "rumtoggled scroungebuckling dimbells" steal my flashes. I sound silly, but it happens. A lot.


Eleanor said...

I know a lot of girls who would love these flowers on their scrapbook pages. Enjoyed arranging them.

Unknown said...

I had great fun, a fantastic variety of flowers.

Jo said...

Love the funky flowers!

Jo and Olivia

Sue said...

WOW. Impressive!

Called my daughter, age 12, in to show her and she went WOW too.

Sarah has had Flash for a few months but she says that she can only draw in it....not sure if that's still good !!


Bobs said...

I arranged and re-arranged those funky flowers to myheart's content! Thanks for the fun, Richard. :)

Bobs xxx