Thursday, 31 May 2007


That's the title of my new interactive dress up "game".
I took a screenshot of some of the code -
Confusing much? It's not that bad once you get to know it - Actionscript, that is.

Flash uses a coding language called Actionscript. I wouldn't call it easy to learn, as they advertise it, but once you know the basics, it's not as difficult as it looks.


Sue said...

So after Funky Flowers Sarah wanted to see what else you have done.

She got this one straight away. I sort of looked at it and wasnt sure what to do. She was grabbing the mouse and clicking on the colours matching the fur to the cat! Very clever Richard.

And then there was your old friend Boots. How nice to see her :)

Sue said...

Oh well.....yes you've guessed it the last comment is for the previous post.

Should be ok to leave it here?


Bobs said...

I love the way the tassels on the scarf and the pompom on the hat are animated.
Fab fun!

Bobs xxx