Saturday, 9 June 2007

One less cat

My darling Boots is gone. We decided to let him go. I thought it would be best to watch while the vet put him to sleep. But at least I know he's playing side by side with Jaffa, and Minky riding on his back, with all the Gerbils and Rats following him. He can eat all the steak, mince, and chicken that he wants to. And he's waiting for me - in 90 years time we will be reunited, but I'll be young again, and we'll hug and I'll say how I missed him, and all that. Now I need a tissue. I'd like to get a kitten, but I think it's best that we leave it for a while.

The way he looked at me in the waiting room. The way he reached out his paw, and was comforted when I held it tight. I love him. Loved. Have loved. Did love. Still love.

Friday, 8 June 2007


Gotta be quick, but, in short, Mum is taking boots to the vet. I'm going with her. Things look bad.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Funky Flowers

I've not posted for a while - I've been trying to think of a flash game, and when I've not been trying to think of a flash game I've been making this one. Not that that's all I ever do, you understand - make flash games.

So, anyway, I've been working on a flash game called Funky Flowerz. It's 100% flower aranging fun! It took longer to make than the dress up game, but works on the same principles.
Heh, I always put "RicardoStudios presents...", just in case "rumtoggled scroungebuckling dimbells" steal my flashes. I sound silly, but it happens. A lot.