Me and dad first secretly planned to get Mum a kitten 2 days before her birthday. After looking in corner shop windows for a "free kitten to good home" notice (and having no luck), Dad rang up the place where we had got two of the cats that we own. So, after waiting 6 days for the kitten that we chose to have her immunisations and get chipped, we have finally brought her home.
On the journey back from the Woodland Animal Sanctuary she ripped my thumb from inside the cage with her sharp little claws. She didn't mean to hurt me, she was just desperate to get out.
She is a beautiful tabby, I just love her huge ears, and she has a rather pathetic meow - it's more of a sqeaky hiss.

She's crying at me all the time. I think she's found her new master. Mum has Buffy, so we secretly decided that Tappi could be sort of mine. Awww. A second ago she tried to scrabble up onto the chair I'm sitting on too.
So anyway, we've made a bed out of a Walkers crisp box, and because I love her so much I've donated a sheepskin rug for her, and she can have my teddies Hester and Fudge to keep her toasty warm in the night. OK, I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow, Tappi.